Documentation on JTC Slide Show Word Press Plug-In
JTC Slide Shows:
Box Color: This sets the left navigation box color.
Box Text Color: This sets the text color of the left navigation boxes
Note: By default these colors are reversed when a slide is selected or when a box is moused over. You can change this in the Custom CSS section
Max Width: This sets the maximum width of the whole slide show. This width will shrink with the page but this is the maximum width.
Max Image Width: This sets the maximum width of the image box of the slide show. This width will shrink with the page but this is the maximum width.
Max Image Height: This sets the maximum height of the whole slide show. This height will shrink with the page but this is the maximum height.
Note: The Max Image Width and Max Image Height set the ratio for the image box. The box will shrink with the page but this ratio will stay the same.
Auto Start: If checked the slides will advance automatically when the first image loads.
Speed: This sets the speed if the Auto Start option is checked.
Custom CSS: This adds css to slide show allowing you to customize it anyway you like.
JTC Slides
Title: This shows up in the left navigation boxes
Slide Data >> Excerpt: This shows up on the bottom of the slide in the transparent dark grey rectangle.
Slide Data >> Order: This determins the order that the slides will be displayed in. Please use a numeric value (1, 2, 3 ….).
Slide Data >> Link: This enables the slide to be linked to a URL that you enter. Please start your URL with http://… .
Slide Data >> Open in new window: When checked the link above will open in a new window…. as you would expect. 🙂
Slide Data >> Button Text: This adds a button aligned to the right of the text in the dark grey rectangle at the bottom of the slide. If this field is blank no button shows up on the slide.
JTC Slide Shows: Check the box for the slide show you want this slide to be displayed in.
Featured Image: This will be the slide image.
Note: I recommend resizing images to the maximum dimensions they will be displayed at before uploading to help your page to load faster.
Short Code
jtcslideshow slug=’test-slide-show’ mobilewidth=”500px” bgcolor=”222222″
Note: surround short code with brackets [ jtcslideshow… ]
mobilewidth: This determines when the slide show will stack up to be mobile friendly. Set this to zero if you never want this to happen.
bgcolor: Sets the color of the back ground of the image box and border of the navigation boxes.